i have no idea what i did ):
i muz have walked too much today and my ankle iz hurting like noone's business right now ): i wonder. never had this before! not even from walking over long distances! maybe it's because i wasnt in the proper footwear? HMMM.
anyways (: on a brighter note,
met rae and jun today! (:
despite being in Melbourne, this iz the first time we met together as 3people! :D drank juice, lunched at European, walked to Carlton gardens to absorb some vit.D, ate cupcakes for desserts, walked to near Ed's place and played in the playground, and took alot of random photos :p

and i changed my flight ticket from november to october! x) so dearest avid readers who await my unwanted (too bad!:p) presence back in Singapore, i'll be back between the middle and end of october! exact date will haha not be revealed on my blog :p ask and you shall receive! :DLabels: pics x)
*throbs @18:59 <3
There .
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